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my approach

For So many of us, the definition of  success comes at the cost of our own well-being. 

I’m here to shift this. 

it's time, dear one, for you to redefine success and ritualize joy and abundance.

To shift into higher potential, purpose, and alignment.


It’s time for you to Flourish. 

My practice style is sacred and unique.

I blend holistic modalities with somatics, psychology, neuroscience, energetics, and spirituality, to support you in your healing, growth, and expansion.

Using thought-work, mindfulness, meditation, and somatic embodiment practices, we honor the fullest expression of yourself: 

I reconnect ambitious,
high-achieving women
to balance and fulfillment at the soul-level. 

Your deeply grounded, vibrant, and most authentic Self.

Board certified life + embodiment nurse coach 

I am an ambitious and free-spirited thinker, who is on a purposeful mission to support other women around the world in becoming empowered from WITHIN.  

We are born whole, but due to conditioning, pain, and shame, many of us have forgotten our true essence and worth.

For most of my own life, I believed my worthiness was based on my performance and accomplishments.

I was constantly striving to exceed everyone’s expectations, all while deeply struggling with comparison, fear, and self-doubt.  

I was creating the life I thought I wanted… and yet there was a void. I felt disconnected, unsettled, and unfulfilled.  

I was ready for a shift.  

In truth, I realized there wasn't a way that I could 'out-perform' the void I was feeling.

So I began the journey of tending to my inner-work.

This path led me to get my board certification in nurse coaching, create my own private practice, and support other women who are ready to rediscover their most authentic and embodied self. 

more about me

Hi, I'm Meghan!

their words

- SD

- TH

Working with Meghan has been truly life changing. I feel fully supported in my journey and because of that support and guidance, I have grown in ways I could not have imagined. I am finally moving towards the life I have always wanted. Her ability to intuitively understand people and offer them support is inspiring. I am beyond grateful for our time together. It has been the best investment I’ve ever made! 

I chose Meghan because the way she spoke was magical to me. I began coaching with her feeling like I needed to control EVERYTHING in order to be successful. I thought I knew exactly what I was doing and my attitude of "keep trying harder" would solve any problem I was faced with. Meghan showed me that letting go and letting "be" was a BETTER way. It feels really good to be here.... In my body and in my mind. ​​I learned that I can pause. And that pausing is self care. And self care leads to progress and peace. I would recommend Meghan to anyone who is caught up in the hustle of business or life. While supporting and accepting who you are, she will simultaneously help you see it's ok to slow down.  

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